(电台的)呼叫信号 A call sign is the letters and numbers which identify a person, vehicle, or organization that is broadcasting on the radio or sending messages by radio.
So we call it a picture image sign. 所以我们把它称为一个图片形象标志。
Some managers may be annoyed if you call them, though others will see it as a sign of initiative. 如果你给他们打电话的话,很多经理可能会觉得很烦,而有些却可能将这一举动视为主动。
The first loss of the jet's transponder, which communicates the jet's position, speed and call sign to air traffic control radar, would require disabling a circuit breaker above and behind an overhead panel. 首先被关闭的应答器可向空中交通控制雷达发送飞机位置、速度和呼叫信号,关闭它需要切断顶部仪表板上方和后面的一个断路器。
The room even has emergency call buttons in both the room and the toilet-a sign of wisdom and thoughtfulness. 房间里和厕所里居然还有紧急按钮,这真的是智慧和细心的结合啊。
If you call this plus, then if you get a minus sign, you know that the velocity is in the opposite direction. 你若称此为正号,你若想要一个负号,你们知道的,相反方向的速度。
We need a new call sign for lieutenant agathon. 得给阿迦同中尉起个新呼号。
What's the last letter in your call sign? 你呼号的最后一个字母是什么?
What is your name, call sign? 你船船名,呼号是什么?
2 diskette labels should clearly indicate the call sign used, contest name, entry class, and date of the contest. 磁片的标签必须标明使用的呼号、比赛名称、参赛组别及比赛日期。
Applicants can call to sign for a suitable exam time. 可依考生需要及要求,个别安排考试时间。
When he talks with someone, he will definitely not receive any call or sign any document. 他跟人谈话时,绝不会再接其他电话或者签字。
He guessed my call sign. 他猜到了我的代号。
What's the call sign of Viper pilot Captain Marcia Case? 蝮蛇战队队长马西娅·凯斯的外号是什么?
What was William Adama's call sign? 威廉。阿达玛的呼号是什么?
A few of the ladies had the temerity to call, but were not received, and th4 only sign of life about the place was the Negro man-a young man then& going in and out with a market basket. 有少数几位妇女竟冒冒失失地去访问过她,但都吃了闭门羹。她居处周围唯一的生命迹象就是那个黑人男子拎着一个篮子出出进进,当年他还是个青年。
The new system of dynamic signature standard call, free calls using the standard style of sign. 系统全新采用动态签标调用化,随意调用各样式签标使用。
Call sign, all are raise your right fists. 呼号,请大家举起右拳。
American airiines11is the call sign. 美国航空11号是代号。
You used the call sign freelancer. 你用的暗号自由者。
But they think it is either a call for sex, or a warning sign from the bugs to their enemies. 但他们认为这是一个性别的呼叫,或警示标志的错误,他们的敌人。
You make a beeline from a boss's critical email right to "I'm going to be fired." Or you take a friend's failure to call as a sure sign she doesn't like you anymore. 对于老板发来一封批评电子邮件你就直接想到了”我要被解雇“,或者一位朋友没能打电话给你就成了她不再喜欢你的确切迹象。
My mother is the type of woman who thinks that a late night call or a surprise invitation is a sign of bad news. 我妈妈是那种把深夜来电或冒然邀请当成是坏消息讯号的人。
Finance ministers from the group of seven economic powers held a half-hour, late-night conference call on Sunday to be updated on European deliberations a call one EU diplomat described as a sign of us concern. 由经济大国组成的7国集团(g7)财长上周日深夜举行了半个小时的电话会议,通报欧洲方面的最新讨论进展;一名欧盟外交官将此举形容为美国感到担忧的一个迹象。
Markets, too, tend to treat even a rumour of an imminent call on the IMF as a sign that matters have spun out of control. 同样,市场也趋向于甚至是把一个即将拜访IMF的谣传作为形势已经失控的信号。
Duty officer, we finish loading now, can you help me to call the chief to sign the files? 值班副,现在装船结束了,你能帮我叫下大副签署下单子吗?
In fixed telephone correspondence business, now the strategy that owe an adoption is to owes behind the first month of fee practice to limit the call sign, namely the customer's can be shouted but can't be active to exhale; 在固定电话通信业务中,目前对欠费用户采用的策略是欠费后第一个月实行限制呼叫,即该用户只能被呼而不能主动呼出;
The medical treatment's speech cry for help to consult with the system to be born the development by the call sign center technique since then. 该医疗语音呼救咨询系统由呼叫中心技术诞生发展而来。
VAP ( the Voice Value-Added service platform) is the core module of the speech contents business system, completing the speech call sign to continue and the Voice Value-Added service business to be explained and run. 语音增值业务平台VAP(Voicevalue-Addedserviceplatform)是语音内容业务系统的核心模块,完成语音呼叫接续和语音增值业务解释执行的功能。
The terminal behind the NAT can communicate any another terminal of the LAN to start the call sign, but can't receive the signal of the terminal ( or is another behind the NAT) outside the LAN. NAT后的终端可以向位于相同局域网上的任何别的终端发起呼叫,但不能接收局域网外终端(或者是另一个NAT后的终端的)呼叫。
The information that provided by radar are limited, can not identify the ship, inform the name and call sign of vessel, and influenced by weather, sea conditions and terrain. 使用雷达提供的信息有限,不能识别船舶,不能告知船名、呼号等信息,并且工作常常受到气象、海况及地形的影响。